"Find a Doctor" is a tool to assist you to locate a dental practitioner or dental practice that has completed an accreditation course with Invisalign New Zealand Limited (Invisalign) (i.e. an Invisalign trained provider). Dental practitioners and dental practices listed on our site are not employed by Invisalign.
You should always do your own independent research to determine if a particular Invisalign trained provider is right for you. All dental practitioners are required to renew their registration with the Dental Board in New Zealand (Dental Council) each year. The Dental Council is an independent governing body that has no affiliation with Invisalign. We recommend that you check that your chosen dental practitioner is registered as at the date of your appointment, you can search here.
Invisalign does its best to keep a provider's contact information on "Find a Doctor" up-to-date, however it solely relies on Invisalign trained providers to provide their current contact and business information and information relating to what services they provide. Invisalign does not verify this information and it is the responsibility of the Invisalign trained provider to keep this information current and accurate. We are not responsible for the quality, accuracy or completeness of this information or any links to third party sites. If you decide to access any of the third party services or websites advertised or linked, you do so entirely at your own risk and, as far as lawfully possible, Invisalign accepts no liability for the actions or omissions of any user of Find a Doctor or linked sites in relation to the content contained therein.
The list of Invisalign trained providers provided on “Find a Doctor” is not exhaustive and there may be other Invisalign trained providers in your area.
When you search for an Invisalign trained provider, our site ranks the search results taking into account "proximity" and “experience with Invisalign”. When searching by:
Proximity only: We seek to rank providers in order of geographic proximity to the postcode entered into the search bar.
Proximity and experience with Invisalign: We seek to rank providers based on the total number of Invisalign treatments that the provider has ordered in the previous rolling 12 month period.
To be eligible to appear on Find a Doctor, an Invisalign trained provider must have submitted a minimum number of 5 cases in the previous, rolling 12 months. For details regarding the total number of Invisalign treatments that the provider has completed in the previous, rolling 12 months, please contact the practice directly.
IMPORTANT. A provider's ranking by “experience with Invisalign” is not intended to reflect the quality or skill level of the Invisalign trained provider nor intended to be viewed as an endorsement or recommendation by Invisalign of any dental practitioner or dental practice. Invisalign makes no guarantee or assurance of achievability of any particular treatment outcome. Only your dental practitioner can determine your suitability for Invisalign treatment and treatment options.