Do Invisalign® aligners cost more than braces?

The cost of Invisalign treatment is up to your orthodontist, but it is comparable to braces. During Invisalign treatment, you’ll wear a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. Invisalign aligners straighten teeth faster1 and more comfortably2 than braces. The aligners are virtually invisible and removable, so you can keep living your life and caring for your teeth throughout treatment.

Will my insurance cover braces or Invisalign® treatment?

Your insurance may help cover up to $3,000 in orthodontic treatment.3 Some insurers limit how much they’ll pay for teeth straightening, so you’ll want to know what your plan covers and what you’ll pay out of pocket.

Your orthodontist can help you figure out how much treatment your insurance will cover. In some cases, they can work with your insurance provider to help you get the most from your coverage. If you’re not comfortable talking to your orthodontist, you can contact your insurance provider directly.

Look up insurance coverage with the My Invisalign™ app

Check your insurance coverage and see how much of your treatment may be covered.

Look up insurance coverage with the My Invisalign™ app

Check your insurance coverage and see how much of your treatment may be covered.


Disclaimer: The information contained in this website are for educational and informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. It is not intended to be a substitute for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Please seek the advice of your health care provider with any questions you may have regarding any dental or medical-related condition and never disregard or delay seeking such advice because of something you have read on this website.

  1. Gu, J et al. Evaluation of Invisalign treatment effectiveness and efficiency compared with conventional fixed appliances using the Peer Assessment Rating index. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop February 2017;151:259-66Buschang, P et al. Comparative time efficiency of aligner therapy and conventional edgewise braces. Angle Orthodontist, Vol 84, No 3, 2014
  2. Study sponsored by Align Technology and based on adult Class I, nonextraction, mild to moderate crowding cases with SmartTrack material. David W. White, Katie C. Julien, Helder Jacob, Phillip M. Campbell and Peter H. Buschang, Discomfort associated with Invisalign and traditional brackets: A randomized, prospective trial. The Angle Orthodontist Nov 2017, Vol. 87, No. 6 pp. 801-808
  3. Data from OrthoFi for calendar year 2021, N = 112,243, US patients with dental insurance coverage who used OrthoFi insurance verification tool. Coverage amount averaged $1,772 USD, with 92% qualifying for up to $3,000 USD and 77% qualifying for up to $2,000 USD in coverage for orthodontic treatment. Data on file at Align Technology, as of January 19, 2023.