Invisalign clear aligners could be ideal for giving you that brand-new, straighter smile. The treatment works on a range of simple to complex cases.
But did you know Invisalign treatment can help with far more than smile-shyness?
Misaligned teeth, known as malocclusions, occur in various types and can have an impact not just on oral health, but also on wider health and wellbeing issues. Headaches,1 jaw pain2,3 or even bone loss4 can all stem from tooth malocclusion, along with direct issues including uneven wear on the teeth,5 tooth decay and gum disease.6
Types of malocclusion include:
Crowded teeth, where there isn’t enough room in the jaw for teeth to fit properly.
Spacing, where the teeth are too far apart.
Overbite, where the upper front teeth overlap with the lower front teeth.
Underbite, where the lower front teeth are in front of the upper teeth with the mouth closed.
Crossbite, when some of the upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth with the mouth closed.
Open bite, where the teeth don’t touch when the mouth is closed.
Spotlight on overbite:
We’ll now look at overbite specifically. There are various degrees of overbite that can affect chewing.7 To determine if your overbite needs to be corrected, bite on the back of your teeth and smile in front of a mirror while examining your lower teeth. If more than half of your bottom teeth are covered by your top teeth, then you might want to make an appointment with a dentist or orthodontist to examine your bite.8 This way, you’ll know if your overbite needs correction or not.
How to fix an overbite:
If a dentist or orthodontist advises you to correct your overbite with teeth straightening treatment, you’ll have several options. One of them being Invisalign clear aligners. Invisalign aligners is the #1 doctor trusted brand of clear aligner for teeth straightening.9 They’re also more comfortable than braces10 and allow predictable tooth movement,11 ensuring your treatment follows your dentists’ or orthodontist’s treatment plan.
What’s the next step?
Are you unsure about the severity of your overbite and want to know about your treatment options? Use the Invisalign doctor locator tool to find an orthodontist near you. Some doctors offer free consultations so be sure to ask if they offer one when you schedule an appointment.